Saturday, 4 April 2015

Plagiarism vs Homage

Assignment 5

Plagiarism is stealing someone’s idea, use others work without crediting the source or taking credits for an idea which is derived from an existing source. It’s a form of cheating.

Homage is how what similar to plagiarism like using others ideas but the difference is ‘credits are given to the original one’. Even if the work is replicated or imitated by anyone’s work, the acknowledgement is mentioned. 

Emamples of Plagiarism-

1. Stephen Ambrose was an American author who got caught for plagiarism and inaccuracy in many of his published writings and other works. He was accused of lifting of lifting entire passages and sentences from other books.

2. Fareed Zakariya-

Journalist Fareed Zakariya was promptly suspended from Time Magazine and CNN for using a photograph from a New Yorker article for his writing.

Emamples of Homage- 

1.Film adaptations are also an example of homage.
   Eg.  Maqbool by Vishal Bhardwaj is an adaptation of a famous Shakespeare's play Macbeth.

2.A fourth year student of Srishti School of Art, Design and Technology, Krishna Sheoni has made an animated film by taking iconic shots from Steven Spielberg’s movies to give a tribute and Steven Spielberg liked it and wrote him a letter with a good feedback. It is also an example of homage according me.


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