Sunday, 5 April 2015

Film Review

Assignment 6

Capitalism A Love Story

In this documentary my Michael Moore capitalism was the target. It was about the impact of corporate dominance on the everyday life of American people as well as transformation of world.

Capitalism is a system of taking and giving, mostly taking. After watching this film I will likely recall one of the boldest message that is capitalism is somehow evil. In this film they have shown how capitalism affects the normal people’s life.

Increase in the technology affecting the less use of man power which causes trouble for normal people and this is the main reason to increase the gap between a rich and a poor. Rich are becoming richer and poor are becoming as poorer as they are not able to satisfy the basic needs of their family. 

In this film this argument has been shown very provocatively that Capitalism is not good and it is amoral.

Have you seen the Arana?

The documentary ‘Have you seen the Arana?' by Sunanda Bhat was about the beliefs of tribal people of Wayanad. These people believe that their goddess has turned into the lizard Arana which is getting dissolved by the time. She used this belief as a metaphor to show how forests and their traditions are vanishing in this world of modernism.

In this documentary they have shown problems faced by these tribes and it has been shot by the people’s point of view that still follows the tradition and not really ready to accept the new growing world and their traditional believe.

She tried to capture complex issues around tradition, change, mythology, livelihood and environment as well as how the new generation is not ready to take the traditional legacy ahead. Why they don’t want to take this farming further? Why they are not willingly ready to welcome these transformation and development. Why farmers are committing suicides?

In this documentary they have captured beauty of Wayanad. To get the essence of their lifestyle they tried to capture every seasons in their life.

I feel that their life is so restrictive and mainly revolves around their customs. If they keep thinking in the same way they will never move ahead.   

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